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Cloud catastrophes: How disappeared overnight

What happens when a cloud platform loses both primary data AND backups? Code Spaces found out in 2014 when hackers destroyed their business by exploiting gaps in their disaster recovery plan. Join data protection experts W. Curtis Preston and Prasanna Malaiyandi as they analyze what went wrong and share key learnings.

In this video, they outline:
✅ How the initial attack breached Code Space’s cloud accounts
✅ The lack of access controls that allowed company-wide destruction
✅ Flaws in their cloud backup design strategy
✅ Actionable tips for safeguarding YOUR cloud data

Curtis has seen no shortage of backup plans go bad, but this particularly gut-wrenching hack contains lessons for anyone embracing public cloud or SaaS offerings. Despite Code Space's confidence in their backup systems, all data vanished practically overnight along with their business.

Don’t let this happen to your cloud deployment! Ensure you have cloud-to-offline backup as well as lockdown measures for admin access. Enable MFA, limit privileges, and actively test recovery.

Safeguard your company's digital assets with Curtis' straight-talking advice. Discover what simple gaps allowed this business-ending cloud attack and make sure you avoid these mistakes. The cloud still needs backup!